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Connect: WMS and WMTS
Connect: WMS and WMTS

How to set up a Web Map or Web Map Tile Service with Sensat

Aifric Delahunty avatar
Written by Aifric Delahunty
Updated over 3 weeks ago

What is WMS/WMTS?

Both Web Map (WMS) and Web Map Tile Services (WMTS) allow you to stream georeferenced images from other systems such as ArcGIS Enterprise, GeoServer and MapServer into Sensat where they will be visualised in the 2D environment.

How to connect a WMS/WMTS to Sensat

  1. Open the Upload files panel in the right-hand tool bar:

    this shows the panel on the right of the screen. the bottom icon is the 'upload' icon.

  2. Select the "From external service" tab (see image in step 4).

  3. Select the "Type" of service that you want to connect to (WMS or WMTS).

  4. Select your "Auth type" based on your service's security measures. The options are:

    1. None (i.e. unsecured)

    2. Username and Password

    3. Token

Connecting unsecured services (Auth Type = None)

  1. Paste your WMS/WMTS URl into the URl text box.

    • We’ll check on our side if we can support the service.

      • If the service isn’t supported an error message will appear.

      • If the service is supported a new dropdown populated with all of the layers and style options available will appear.

  2. Choose a layer.

  3. Choose a style (if options are available).

  4. Click on Connect.

Connecting secured services (Auth Type = Token)

  1. Once you select "Auth Type = Token" two new input boxes will appear:

    1. Token key

    2. Token

      You should be able to get this information from your WMS/WMTS source, but it's also possible to parse it from the WMS/WMTS URl (see example below). If you are struggling to identify the token key and token from the URl, please reach out to our support team and we can assist. Note: the key name will vary depending on the service (i.e. it won't always be 'key').

  2. Paste your WMS/WMTS URl into the URl text box.

  3. Choose a layer.

  4. Choose a style (if options are available).

  5. Click on Connect.

Connecting secured services (Auth Type = Username and Password)

  1. Once you select "Auth Type = Username and Password" four new input boxes will appear:

    1. Username key

    2. Username

    3. Password Key

    4. Password

      You should be able to get this information from your WMS/WMTS source, but it's also possible to parse it from the WMS/WMTS URl (see example below). If you are struggling to identify the token key and token from the URl, please reach out to our support team and we can assist. Note: the key names will vary depending on the service (i.e. they won't always be 'user' or 'pwd').

  2. Paste your WMS/WMTS URl into the URl text box.

  3. Choose a layer.

  4. Choose a style (if options are available).

  5. Click on Connect.

Working with WMS/WMTS layers

  1. The WMS/WMTS will be displayed like any other layer in the Layer panel and will be visualised in the 2D environment (they are not visualised in the 3D environment).

  2. WMS/WMTS layers have a default opacity setting of 80%, which can be adjusted using the opacity slider. If you adjust the opacity, it will change only for you.

  3. Single click on a WMS/WMTS layer to view it's feature attributes:


How do I connect with Esri?
To set up a WMS or WMTS, you must be using Esri Enterprise, and you need to publish the data first before setting up a stream. Refer to Esri’s documentation for more details on publishing data.

What will the WMS/WMTS data look like in Sensat?

Each WMS/WMTS stream will display as a 2D layer in the Layer Manager. You can then organise and view these layers as you would any other layer in your project.

WMS/WMTS layers are visualised in the 2D environment only, they do not show in the 3D environment.

Can I configure a WMS stream myself?

Yes, just follow the steps outlined above.

Can I set up multiple WMS streams?

You can set up as many streams as you like, they will display as individual layers in the layer manager.

What versions of WMS/WMTS are supported?

  • WMS: 1.1.1 & 1.3.0

  • WMTS: 1.0.0

Which CRSs are accepted?

EPSG 3857 only

My data is in a different CRS, how do I change it?

  • If you're the owner of the service, you'll need to set the output to EPSG:3857 before connecting to Sensat. The method for doing this will vary depending on the service you're using.

  • If you're using a third-party service, you'll need to reach out to the service administrator and ask them to provide the output in EPSG:3857 format.

Note: You don’t need to do any transformations to 3857 manually. For example, if you're using ESRI Server you can simply add it as an addition reference system and the service will handle things automatically, see here.

Does Sensat store any WMS/WMTS data internally?

No, the data stays only on the server of the connected service; we do not store it on our end at all.

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