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Getting started

How to get started in Sensat

Use Cases
Customising your view

How to customise your view and identify what you're looking at

Uploading files to Sensat

All you need to know about uploading files to Sensat

Working with Models and Layers in Sensat

How to duplicate, move and inspect visual layers


Discover the power of Sensat's tools.

Working with folders

How to organise your data in the Layer manager

Viewpoints & Presentations

Use viewpoints and presentations to share your curated view with others directly, or in presentations

Timeline, Schedule & 4D Modelling

How to plan and view changes over time


Learn more about using comments in Sensat


Learn more about how Sensat works with other systems & software, via compatible file types and automated integrations.

Troubleshooting & Technical Questions

Troubleshoot issues and review technical guidelines for Sensat usage

Administration and Settings

Learn more about inviting new members, managing permissions, as well as managing your personal and project settings

Sensat Mobile App

Learn more about our companion app

Functionality updates

New features, improvements and platform changes