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How to export Markups

How to get your markups out of Sensat in GeoJSON or CSV format to use in other systems or share with others.

Holly Tyler avatar
Written by Holly Tyler
Updated over 9 months ago

You can export a set of markups so you can share them with other teams to use in different systems. GeoJSON files can be uploaded to most CAD software so it can be a great way to share information with technical teams.

Export a folder of markups

  1. Open the layer manager on the Markups tab

  2. Click the three-dot menu on a folder and click the "Export markups" option

  3. Choose either GeoJSON or CSV from the drop-down

  4. Click "Export" and the chosen file format will be downloaded, with all the included markups, to your desktop.

πŸ“ Notes:

  • ⚠️ Circle markups will be exported as a point, at the coordinates of the centre point. The radius will still be displayed as part of the metadata.

  • All other markup types, created in either the 2D or 3D environment can be exported.

  • Only markups on display in the panel, when you click the "export markups" option, will be included in the export (if a filter was applied, only those matching the filter will be included).

  • Markups in subfolders will also be included in the export.

Export a selection of markups

  1. Open the layer manager on the Markups tab

  2. Create a selection using the checkboxes and select the three-dot menu option "Export markups" in the multi-select footer

  3. Choose either GeoJSON or CSV from the drop-down

  4. Click "Export" and the chosen file format will be downloaded, with all the included markups, to your desktop.

Learn more about the file formats that markups can be exported in and what is included within them here.

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