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How to add your own markup icons
How to add your own markup icons

Customise your annotations by adding more markup icons to your project, allowing you to label planning status, signage, work zones and more.

Holly Tyler avatar
Written by Holly Tyler
Updated over 10 months ago

How to add custom icons to your project

  1. Navigate to Project settings by clicking your profile image in the top right.

2. Click "Manage icons" in the Markup icons section.

3. Drag files from your desktop, or click "Add files".

πŸ“ Note: only .png, .jpeg, .svg and .ico will be accepted and there is a file size limit of 10kb per icon.

πŸ’‘ Tip: icons that are 28 x 28px will look the best.

4. If icons have already been uploaded to your project they will be listed on this screen already. You can add more by clicking "Add more icons" in the bottom left.

5. You can remove custom icons by clicking the "X" on that icon in the list.

πŸ“ Note: removing an icon will remove it from all markups that it has been attached to, they will return to the default markup icon.

6. Once you've added the markups you want available for selection on your project, you can click "Done" or close the modal.

7. Once you've clicked done, your icons will be available to select when updating markups in the Layers panel. Learn more about adding icons to markups.

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